View Delphos St. John's Parish
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Liturgical Ministries
Greeters at St. John’s meet people at the doors of the church and welcome them. They are assigned a month at a time and may be asked to help at special liturgies. They also take up the collection, help with the handicapped and attend to the assembly throughout the Mass. This ministry involves some extra time before the liturgies to be present and to especially welcome all who come to the church.
Contact: Kim Honigford, (419) 695-6800 or (419) 234-1000 
Lectors are trained to read at the Sunday liturgy and are scheduled within a 6- to 8-week period. They may also read at weekday liturgies when children are not present. A lector usually needs to feel a call to proclaim the Word of God, to be able to read well in public and to be familiar with some of the Bible.
Contact: Kim Honigford, (419) 695-6800 or (419) 234-1000  
This ministry involves the giving of the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass. The person needs to be a true witness in the community and be living a good Catholic life. Training involves a teaching on the Sacrament of Eucharist and time is given to learn the procedures. Every two years participants renew their commitment to this ministry.
Contact: Kim Honigford, (419) 695-6800 or (419) 234-1000
Communion Services are held in Church and are led by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who are trained to conduct these services. Someone interested in this ministry would need to be able to read the Word and to conduct the service. Training is provided.
Contact: Mary Beth Will, (419) 695-4050 ext. 1116
Servers are trained at the 6th grade level, but older children may be trained on request. Servers are assigned for Sundays and Holy Days, and may be asked to help with weddings and funerals.
Contact: Kim Honigford, (419) 695-6800 or (419) 234-1000
201 N. Pierce St., Delphos, OH 45833
Phone 419-695-4050 Dial option 1 for Emergency
Fax 419-695-4060
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