View Delphos St. John's Parish


And all this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation” 2 Corinthians 5:18 
This sacrament goes by many names: Confession, Penance, and Reconciliation. Through this sacrament, we acknowledge our sins, express our sorrow in a meaningful way, receive the forgiveness of Christ and his Church, make reparation for what we have done and resolve to do better in the future. It is truly a celebration of God’s love and forgiveness!
Fridays 7:30 am
Saturdays 3:30 pm 
Or by appointment; 
call 419-695-4050 to schedule.
Fr. Dennis Walsh Pastor Email Me 
Fr. Thomas Hunyor Associate Pastor Email Me 

Confessionals are located just inside of the main entrance doors, one on each side. 
We encourage you to kneel and pray while you wait in the back few pews. When Father is there and no one is in confession he will leave the door open and the light on.
If it's been a while since you've made a confession relax and tell Father. He will help you make a good confession.
To gain a better understanding of what the Catholic Church teaches about the sacrament of confession go here
201 N. Pierce St., Delphos, OH 45833
Phone 419-695-4050 Dial option 1 for Emergency
Fax 419-695-4060
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